VAIR is an open vocabulary for AI risks. VAIR is intended to assist with identification and documentation of risks by providing a common vocabulary that facilitates knowledge sharing and interoperability between actors in the AI value chain. VAIR provides semantic specifications for cataloguing AI risks in a FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) manner. It reuses core concepts of AIRO as its foundation and represents instances using the SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organization System) model.
VAIR consists of the following taxonomies:Prefix | Namespace |
vair | |
airo | |
rdfs | |
dct | |
xsd | |
VAIR reuses key concepts from AIRO (AI Risk Ontology) and therefore can be considered as its extension. The concepts reused from AIRO are listed in this section.
IRI | |
Term | AdministrationOfDemocraticProcesses |
Label | Administration Of Democratic Processes |
Definition | Activities related to administration of democratic processes |
Parent | Domain |
IRI | |
Term | AdministrationOfJustice |
Label | Administration Of Justice |
Definition | Activities related to administration of justice. |
Parent | Domain |
IRI | |
Term | AsylumManagement |
Label | Asylum Management |
Definition | Activities related to asylum management |
Parent | Domain |
IRI | |
Term | BorderControlManagement |
Label | Border Control Management |
Definition | Activities related to border control management. |
Parent | Domain |
IRI | |
Term | CriticalInfrastructure |
Label | Critical Infrastructure |
Definition | Refers to the sector or activities that aim at provision and maintainance of critical services. |
Parent | Domain |
IRI | |
Term | Education |
Label | Education |
Definition | Indicates the sector that offers education or vocational training at any level or for any profession. |
Parent | Domain |
IRI | |
Term | Employment |
Label | Employment |
Definition | Refers to employment, workers’ management and access to self-employment. |
Parent | Domain |
IRI | |
Term | LawEnforcement |
Label | Law Enforcement |
Definition | Activities related to enforcing the law. |
Parent | Domain |
IRI | |
Term | MigrationManagement |
Label | Migration Management |
Definition | Activities related to managing migration. |
Parent | Domain |
IRI | |
Term | PrivateService |
Label | Private Service |
Definition | Business of supplying a service by a private body. |
Parent | Domain |
IRI | |
Term | PublicService |
Label | Public Service |
Definition | Business of supplying a commodity or a service by a govermental or public body. |
Parent | Domain |
IRI | |
Term | Assessment |
Label | Assessment |
Definition | Assessment and evaluation |
Parent | Purpose |
IRI | |
Term | AssessingAccessibleLevelOfEducation |
Label | Assessing Accessible Level Of Education |
Definition | Assessing the appropriate level of education that an individual will be able to access |
Parent | Assessment |
IRI | |
Term | AssessingCreditworthiness |
Label | Assessing Creditworthiness |
Definition | Evaluation the creditworthiness of natural persons or establishing their credit score |
Parent | Assessment |
IRI | |
Term | AssessingLevelOfEducation |
Label | Assessing Level Of Education |
Definition | Assessing the appropriate level of education that an individual will receive |
Parent | Assessment |
IRI | |
Term | AssessingPastCriminalBehaviour |
Label | Assessing Past Criminal Behaviour |
Definition | Assessing past criminal behaviour of natural persons or groups |
Parent | Assessment |
IRI | |
Term | AssessingPersonalityTraits |
Label | Assessing Personality Traits |
Definition | Assessing personality of natural persons or groups |
Parent | Assessment |
IRI | |
Term | AssigningPersonsToEducationalInstitutions |
Label | Assigning Persons To Educational Institutions |
Definition | Assigning natural persons to educational institutions at all levels. |
Parent | Assessment |
IRI | |
Term | AssigningPersonsToVocationalTrainingInstitutions |
Label | Assigning Persons To Vocational Training Institutions |
Definition | Assigning natural persons to vocational training institutions at all levels. |
Parent | Assessment |
IRI | |
Term | ClassifyingEmergencyCall |
Label | Classifying Emergency Call |
Definition | Classifying emergency calls by natural persons |
Parent | Assessment |
IRI | |
Term | DetectingIndividuals |
Label | Detecting Individuals |
Definition | Detecting natural persons |
Parent | Assessment |
IRI | |
Term | DeterminingAccessToEducationalInstitutions |
Label | Determining Access To Educational Institutions |
Definition | Determining access to educational institutions all levels. |
Parent | Assessment |
IRI | |
Term | DeterminingAccessToVocationalTrainingInstitutions |
Label | Determining Access To Vocational Training Institutions |
Definition | Determining access to vocational training institutions all levels. |
Parent | Assessment |
IRI | |
Term | DeterminingAdmissionToEducationalInstitutions |
Label | Determining Admission To Educational Institutions |
Definition | Determining admission to educational institutions at all levels. |
Parent | Assessment |
IRI | |
Term | DeterminingAdmissionToVocationalTrainingInstitutions |
Label | Determining Admission To Vocational Training Institutions |
Definition | Determining admission to vocational training institutions at all levels. |
Parent | Assessment |
IRI | |
Term | DeterminingCreditScore |
Label | Determining Credit Score |
Definition | Determining credit score of a person |
Parent | Assessment |
IRI | |
Term | EvaluatingEligibilityForPublicAssistanceServices |
Label | Evaluating Eligibility For Public Assistance Services |
Definition | Evaluating the eligibility of natural persons for essential public assistance benefits and services, including healthcare services, |
Parent | Assessment |
IRI | |
Term | EvaluatingEligibilityforHealthCareServices |
Label | Evaluating Eligibility For Healthcare Services |
Definition | Evaluating the eligibility of natural persons for healthcare services |
Parent | EvaluatingEligibilityForPublicAssistanceServices |
IRI | |
Term | EvaluatingEmergencyCall |
Label | Evaluating Emergency Call |
Definition | Evaluating emergency calls by natural persons |
Parent | Assessment |
IRI | |
Term | EvaluatingEmployeeBehaviour |
Label | Evaluating Employee Behaviour |
Definition | Evaluating the behaviour of persons in work-related relationships. |
Parent | Assessment |
IRI | |
Term | EvaluatingEmployeePerformance |
Label | Evaluating Employee Performance |
Definition | Evaluating the performance of persons in work-related relationships. |
Parent | Assessment |
IRI | |
Term | EvaluatingJobCandidates |
Label | Evaluating Job Candidates |
Definition | Evaluation of job candidates |
Parent | Assessment |
IRI | |
Term | EvaluatingJobInterview |
Label | Evaluating Job Interview |
Definition | Evaluation of job interviews |
Parent | Assessment |
IRI | |
Term | EvaluatingLearningOutcomes |
Label | Evaluating Learning Outcomes |
Definition | Evaluating learning outcomes, including when those outcomes are used to steer the learning process of natural persons in educational and vocational training institutions or programmes at all levels. |
Parent | Assessment |
IRI | |
Term | EvaluatingReliabilityOfEvidenceInInvestigationOfCriminalOffences |
Label | Evaluating Reliability Of Evidence In Investigation Of Criminal Offences |
Definition | Evaluation of the reliability of evidence in the course of investigation of criminal offences |
Parent | Assessment |
IRI | |
Term | EvaluatingReliabilityOfEvidenceInMigrationRelatedApplications |
Label | Evaluating Reliability Of Evidence In Migration Related Applications |
Definition | Assessments of the reliability of evidence in the examination of applications for asylum, visa or residence permits and for associated complaints with regard to the eligibility of the natural persons applying for a status |
Parent | Assessment |
IRI | |
Term | EvaluatingReliabilityOfEvidenceInProsecutionOfCriminalOffences |
Label | Evaluating Reliability Of Evidence In Prosecution Of Criminal Offences |
Definition | Evaluation of the reliability of evidence in the course of prosecution of criminal offences |
Parent | Assessment |
IRI | |
Term | HealthInsuranceRiskAssessment |
Label | Health Insurance Risk Assessment |
Definition | Risk assessment in relation to natural persons in the case of health insurance |
Parent | Assessment |
IRI | |
Term | IndividualRiskAssessment |
Label | Individual Risk Assessment |
Definition | Assessing the risk of a natural person for offending or reoffending or the risk for potential victims of criminal offences |
Parent | Assessment |
IRI | |
Term | AssessingPeopleRelatedRisk |
Label | Assessing People Related Risk |
Definition | Assessing a risk, e.g. a security risk, a risk of irregular migration, or a health risk, posed by a natural person |
Parent | IndividualRiskAssessment |
IRI | |
Term | AssessingHealthRisk |
Label | Assessing Health Risk |
Definition | Assessing health risk posed by a person |
Parent | AssessingPeopleRelatedRisk |
IRI | |
Term | AssessingRiskOfIrregularImmigration |
Label | Assessing Risk Of Irregular Immigration |
Definition | Assessing risk of irregular immigration posed by a person |
Parent | AssessingPeopleRelatedRisk |
IRI | |
Term | AssessingSecurityRisk |
Label | Assessing Security Risk |
Definition | Assess security risk posed by a person |
Parent | AssessingPeopleRelatedRisk |
IRI | |
Term | AssessingRiskOfBecomingVictimOfCrime |
Label | Assessing Risk For Potential Victims Of Criminal Offences |
Definition | Assessing risk of a natural person becoming the victim of criminal offences |
Parent | IndividualRiskAssessment |
IRI | |
Term | AssessingRiskOfOffending |
Label | Assessing Risk Of Offending |
Definition | Assessing the risk of a natural person offending |
Parent | IndividualRiskAssessment |
IRI | |
Term | AssessingRiskOfReoffending |
Label | Assessing Risk Of Reoffending |
Definition | Assessing the risk of a natural person re-offending |
Parent | IndividualRiskAssessment |
IRI | |
Term | JobApplicationFiltering |
Label | Job Application Filtering |
Definition | Filtering applications for recruitment or selection of natural persons |
Parent | Assessment |
IRI | |
Term | LifeInsuranceRiskAssessment |
Label | Life Insurance Risk Assessment |
Definition | Risk assessment in relation to natural persons in the case of life insurance |
Parent | Assessment |
IRI | |
Term | MakingContractTerminationDecision |
Label | Making Contract Termination Decision |
Definition | Making Contract Termination Decision |
Parent | Assessment |
IRI | |
Term | MakingContractTerminationDecision |
Label | Making Contract Termination Decision |
Definition | Making decisions on termination of work-related contractual relationship |
Parent | Assessment |
IRI | |
Term | MakingDecisionOnTermsOfWorkRelatedRelations |
Label | Making Decision On Terms Of Work-Related Relations |
Definition | Making decisions affecting terms of work-related relationships |
Parent | Assessment |
IRI | |
Term | MakingPromotionDecision |
Label | Making Promotion Decision |
Definition | Making decisions on promotion |
Parent | Assessment |
IRI | |
Term | PlacingTargetedJobAdvert |
Label | Placing Targeted Job Advert |
Definition | Placing targeted job advertisments |
Parent | Assessment |
IRI | |
Term | Recruiting |
Label | Recruiting |
Definition | Recruiting people for a job |
Parent | Assessment |
IRI | |
Term | VerifyingAuthenticityOfTravelDocument |
Label | Verifying Authenticity Of Travel Document |
Definition | Verifying of the authenticity of travel documents and supporting documentation of natural persons and detection of non-authentic documents by checking their security features. |
Parent | Assessment |
IRI | |
Term | Categorisation |
Label | Categorisation |
Definition | Assigning natural persons to specific categories |
Parent | Purpose |
IRI | |
Term | ContentGeneration |
Label | Content Generation |
Definition | Generation or manipulation of audio content |
Parent | Purpose |
IRI | |
Term | GeneratingAudioContent |
Label | Generating Audio Content |
Definition | Generation or manipulation of audio content |
Parent | ContentGeneration |
IRI | |
Term | GeneratingImageContent |
Label | Generating Image Content |
Definition | Generation or manipulation of image content |
Parent | ContentGeneration |
IRI | |
Term | GeneratingVideoContent |
Label | Generating Video Content |
Definition | Generation or manipulation of video content |
Parent | ContentGeneration |
IRI | |
Term | DecisionMaking |
Label | Decision Making |
Definition | Generation of decisions |
Parent | Purpose |
IRI | |
Term | GrantingPublicAssistanceServices |
Label | Granting Public Assistance Services |
Definition | Granting natural persons essential public assistance benefits and services |
Parent | DecisionMaking |
IRI | |
Term | GrantingHealthCareServices |
Label | Granting Health Care Services |
Definition | Granting natural persons healthcare services |
Parent | GrantingPublicAssistanceServices |
IRI | |
Term | HealthInsurancePricing |
Label | Health Insurance Pricing |
Definition | Pricing in relation to natural persons in the case of health insurance |
Parent | DecisionMaking |
IRI | |
Term | LifeInsurancePricing |
Label | Life Insurance Pricing |
Definition | Pricing in relation to natural persons in the case of life insurance |
Parent | DecisionMaking |
IRI | |
Term | ReclaimingPublicAssistanceServices |
Label | Reclaiming Public Assistance Services |
Definition | Reclaiming essential public assistance benefits and services |
Parent | DecisionMaking |
IRI | |
Term | ReclaimingHealthCareServices |
Label | Reclaiming Health Care Services |
Definition | Reclaiming natural persons healthcare services |
Parent | ReclaimingPublicAssistanceServices |
IRI | |
Term | ReducingPublicAssistanceServices |
Label | Reducing Public Assistance Services |
Definition | Reducing essential public assistance benefits and services |
Parent | DecisionMaking |
IRI | |
Term | ReducingHealthCareServices |
Label | Reducing Health Care Services |
Definition | Reducing natural persons healthcare services |
Parent | ReducingPublicAssistanceServices |
IRI | |
Term | RevokingPublicAssistanceServices |
Label | Revoking Public Assistance Services |
Definition | Revoking essential public assistance benefits and services |
Parent | DecisionMaking |
IRI | |
Term | RevokingHealthCareServices |
Label | Revoking Health Care Services |
Definition | Revoking natural persons healthcare services |
Parent | RevokingPublicAssistanceServices |
IRI | |
Term | Detection |
Label | Detection |
Definition | Purposes related to detecting |
Parent | Purpose |
IRI | |
Term | DeepFakeDetection |
Label | Deep Fake Detection |
Definition | Dectection of content that is generated using deep fake |
Parent | Detection |
IRI | |
Term | DetectingCriminalOffences |
Label | Detecting Criminal Offences |
Definition | Detection of criminal offences |
Parent | Detection |
IRI | |
Term | DetectingEmotionalState |
Label | Detecting Emotional State |
Definition | Detection of the emotional state of a natural person |
Parent | Detection |
IRI | |
Term | DetectingLies |
Label | Detecting Lies |
Definition | Dectecting lies |
Parent | Detection |
IRI | |
Term | DetectingNon-AuthenticDocument |
Label | Detecting Non Authentic Document |
Definition | Detection of non-authentic documents |
Parent | Detection |
IRI | |
Term | DetectingProhibitedBehaviourDuringTest |
Label | Detecting Prohibited Behaviour During Test |
Definition | Detecting prohibited behaviour during tests |
Parent | Detection |
IRI | |
Term | DiscoveringCrimePatterns |
Label | Discovering Crime Patterns |
Definition | Identifying unkown patterns of crime |
Parent | Detection |
IRI | |
Term | DiscoveringCrimeRelationships |
Label | Discovering Crime Relationships |
Definition | Discovering hidden relationships related to crime |
Parent | Detection |
IRI | |
Term | RecognisingEmotions |
Label | Recognising Emotions |
Definition | Recognising emotions of a natural person |
Parent | Detection |
IRI | |
Term | EmergencyTriage |
Label | Emergency Triage |
Definition | Emergency triaging |
Parent | Purpose |
IRI | |
Term | ExaminingApplication |
Label | Examining Application |
Definition | Purposes related to examining an application |
Parent | Purpose |
IRI | |
Term | ExaminingAsylumApplication |
Label | Examining Asylum Application |
Definition | Examining asylum application |
Parent | ExaminingApplication |
IRI | |
Term | ExaminingMigrationRelatedComplaints |
Label | Examining Migration Related Complaints |
Definition | Examining compliats related to migration |
Parent | ExaminingApplication |
IRI | |
Term | ExaminingResidencePermitsApplication |
Label | Examining Residence Permits Application |
Definition | Examining residence permit application |
Parent | ExaminingApplication |
IRI | |
Term | ExaminingVisaApplication |
Label | Examining Visa Application |
Definition | Examining visa application |
Parent | ExaminingApplication |
IRI | |
Term | IdentiftyingIndividuals |
Label | Identiftying Individuals |
Definition | Identifying natural persons |
Parent | Purpose |
IRI | |
Term | RemoteIdentification |
Label | Remote Identification |
Definition | Refers to the identification of natural persons without their active involvement, typically at a distance |
Parent | IdentiftyingIndividuals |
Source | AI Act, Recital 17 |
IRI | |
Term | Influencing |
Label | Influencing |
Definition | Purpose of influencing |
Parent | Purpose |
IRI | |
Term | InfluencingElectionOutcome |
Label | Influencing Election Outcome |
Definition | Influencing the outcome of an election. |
Parent | Influencing |
IRI | |
Term | InfluencingReferendumOutcome |
Label | Influencing Referendum Outcome |
Definition | Influencing the outcome of a referendum. |
Parent | Influencing |
IRI | |
Term | InfluencingVotingBehaviour |
Label | Influencing Voting Behaviour |
Definition | Purpose of influencing voting behaviour of people |
Parent | Influencing |
IRI | |
Term | InvestigatingCriminalOffences |
Label | Investigating Criminal Offences |
Definition | Investigation of criminal offences |
Parent | Purpose |
IRI | |
Term | JobApplicationAnalysis |
Label | Job Application Analysis |
Definition | Analysis of job applications |
Parent | Purpose |
IRI | |
Term | JobApplicationScreening |
Label | Job Application Screening |
Definition | Screening job applications |
Parent | Purpose |
IRI | |
Term | KnowledgeReasoning |
Label | Knowledge Reasoning |
Definition | Capturing knowledge and acquiring new knowledge |
Parent | Purpose |
IRI | |
Term | ApplyingTheLawToFacts |
Label | Applying The Law To Facts |
Definition | Applying the law to a concrete set of facts |
Parent | KnowledgeReasoning |
IRI | |
Term | InterpretingFacts |
Label | Interpreting Facts |
Definition | Interpreting facts |
Parent | KnowledgeReasoning |
IRI | |
Term | InterpretingLaw |
Label | Interpreting Law |
Definition | Interpreting the law |
Parent | KnowledgeReasoning |
IRI | |
Term | Monitoring |
Label | Monitoring |
Definition | Observing and keeping track of something |
Parent | Purpose |
IRI | |
Term | MonitoringEmployeeBehaviour |
Label | Monitoring Employee Behaviour |
Definition | Monitoring the behaviour of persons in work-related relationships. |
Parent | Monitoring |
IRI | |
Term | MonitoringEmployeePerformance |
Label | Monitoring Employee Performance |
Definition | Monitoring the performance of persons in work-related relationships |
Parent | Monitoring |
IRI | |
Term | MonitoringProhibitedBehaviourDuringTest |
Label | Monitoring Prohibited Behaviour During Test |
Definition | Monitoring prohibited behaviour during tests |
Parent | Monitoring |
IRI | |
Term | PerformingBackgroundCheck |
Label | Performing Background Check |
Definition | Performing background checks |
Parent | Purpose |
IRI | |
Term | Planning |
Label | Planning |
Definition | Planning purposes |
Parent | Purpose |
IRI | |
Term | AllocatingTasks |
Label | Allocating Tasks |
Definition | Assignment of tasks to persons |
Parent | Planning |
IRI | |
Term | PrioritisationOfEmergencyService |
Label | Prioritisation Of Emergency Service |
Definition | Establishing priority in the dispatching of emergency first response services, including by firefighters and medical aid |
Parent | Planning |
IRI | |
Term | ProducingRecommendation |
Label | Producing Recommendation |
Definition | Producing meaningful recommendations to users of the system |
Parent | Purpose |
IRI | |
Term | ProsecutingCriminalOffences |
Label | Prosecuting Criminal Offences |
Definition | Prosecution of criminal offences |
Parent | Purpose |
IRI | |
Term | RecognisingIndividuals |
Label | Recognising Individuals |
Definition | Recognising natural persons |
Parent | Purpose |
IRI | |
Term | ResearchingFacts |
Label | Researching Facts |
Definition | Researching facts |
Parent | Purpose |
IRI | |
Term | ResearchingLaw |
Label | Researching Law |
Definition | Researching the law |
Parent | Purpose |
IRI | |
Term | ServingSafetyFunction |
Label | Serving Safety Function |
Definition | Purpose of providing safety function |
Parent | Purpose |
IRI | |
Term | ServingSafetyFunctionInManagement |
Label | Serving Safety Function In Management |
Definition | Purpose of providing safety function in management of services |
Parent | ServingSafetyFunction |
IRI | |
Term | ServingSafetyFunctionInManagementOfCriticalDigitalInfrastructure |
Label | Serving Safety Function In Management Of Critical Digital Infrastructure |
Definition | Purpose of providing safety function in management of critical digital infrastructure |
Parent | ServingSafetyFunctionInManagement |
IRI | |
Term | ServingSafetyFunctionInManagementOfRoadTraffic |
Label | Serving Safety Function In Management Of Road Traffic |
Definition | Purpose of providing safety function in management of road traffic |
Parent | ServingSafetyFunctionInManagement |
IRI | |
Term | ServingSafetyFunctionInManagementOfTheSupplyOfElectricity |
Label | Serving Safety Function In Management Of The Supply Of Electricity |
Definition | Purpose of providing safety function in management of the supply of electricity |
Parent | ServingSafetyFunctionInManagement |
IRI | |
Term | ServingSafetyFunctionInManagementOfTheSupplyOfGas |
Label | Serving Safety Function In Management Of The Supply Of Gas |
Definition | Purpose of providing safety function in management of the supply of gas |
Parent | ServingSafetyFunctionInManagement |
IRI | |
Term | ServingSafetyFunctionInManagementOfTheSupplyOfHeating |
Label | Serving Safety Function In Management Of The Supply Of Heating |
Definition | Purpose of providing safety function in management of the supply of heating |
Parent | ServingSafetyFunctionInManagement |
IRI | |
Term | ServingSafetyFunctionInManagementOfTheSupplyOfWater |
Label | Serving Safety Function In Management Of The Supply Of Water |
Definition | Purpose of providing safety function in management of the supply of water |
Parent | ServingSafetyFunctionInManagement |
IRI | |
Term | ServingSafetyFunctionInOperation |
Label | Serving Safety Function In Operation |
Definition | Purpose of providing safety function in operation of services |
Parent | ServingSafetyFunction |
IRI | |
Term | ServingSafetyFunctionInOperationOfCriticalDigitalInfrastructure |
Label | Serving Safety Function In Operation Of Critical Digital Infrastructure |
Definition | Purpose of providing safety function in operation of critical digital infrastructure |
Parent | ServingSafetyFunctionInOperation |
IRI | |
Term | ServingSafetyFunctionInOperationOfRoadTraffic |
Label | Serving Safety Function In Operation Of Road Traffic |
Definition | Purpose of providing safety function in operation of road traffic |
Parent | ServingSafetyFunctionInOperation |
IRI | |
Term | ServingSafetyFunctionInOperationOfTheSupplyOfElectricity |
Label | Serving Safety Function In Operation Of The Supply Of Electricity |
Definition | Purpose of providing safety function in operation of the supply of electricity |
Parent | ServingSafetyFunctionInOperation |
IRI | |
Term | ServingSafetyFunctionInOperationOfTheSupplyOfGas |
Label | Serving Safety Function In Operation Of The Supply Of Gas |
Definition | Purpose of providing safety function in operation of the supply of gas |
Parent | ServingSafetyFunctionInOperation |
IRI | |
Term | ServingSafetyFunctionInOperationOfTheSupplyOfHeating |
Label | Serving Safety Function In Operation Of The Supply Of Heating |
Definition | Purpose of providing safety function in operation of the supply of heating |
Parent | ServingSafetyFunctionInOperation |
IRI | |
Term | ServingSafetyFunctionInOperationOfTheSupplyOfWater |
Label | Serving Safety Function In Operation Of The Supply Of Water |
Definition | Purpose of providing safety function in operation of the supply of water |
Parent | ServingSafetyFunctionInOperation |
IRI | |
Term | SettlingDispute |
Label | Settling Dispute |
Definition | Alternative dispute resolution |
Parent | Purpose |
IRI | |
Term | AudioProcessing |
Label | Audio Processing |
Definition | The capability to process audio recordings. |
Parent | AICapability |
Source | AI Watch, Defining Artificial Intelligence 2.0 |
IRI | |
Term | SoundSourceSeparation |
Label | Sound Source Separation |
Definition | Extracting individual sound from audio recordings. |
Parent | AudioProcessing |
Source | AI Watch, Defining Artificial Intelligence 2.0 |
IRI | |
Term | SoundSynthesis |
Label | Sound Synthesis |
Definition | Generation of artificial sound. |
Parent | AudioProcessing |
Source | AI Watch, Defining Artificial Intelligence 2.0 |
IRI | |
Term | SpeakerRecognition |
Label | Speaker Recognition |
Definition | Recognising speaker in audio recordings. |
Parent | AudioProcessing |
Source | AI Watch, Defining Artificial Intelligence 2.0 |
IRI | |
Term | SpeechRecognition |
Label | Speech Recognition |
Definition | Converting a speech signal to a representation of the content of the speech. |
Parent | AudioProcessing |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 3.6.17 |
IRI | |
Term | SpeechSynthesis |
Label | Speech Synthesis |
Definition | Generation of artificial speech. |
Parent | AudioProcessing |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 3.6.18 |
IRI | |
Term | AutomaticSummarisation |
Label | Automatic Summarisation |
Definition | Shortening a portion of natural language content or text while retaining important semantic information. |
Parent | AICapability |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 3.6.1 |
IRI | |
Term | BehaviourAnalysis |
Label | Behaviour Analysis |
Definition | Capability of a system in analysing people's behaviour |
Parent | AICapability |
Source | None |
IRI | |
Term | BiometricCategorisation |
Label | Biometric Categorisation |
Definition | The capability of the system is assigning natural persons to specific categories based on their biometric data |
Parent | AICapability |
Source | None |
IRI | |
Term | BiometricIdentification |
Label | Biometric Identification |
Definition | Automated recognition of physical, physiological and behavioural human features such as the face, eye movement, body shape, voice, prosody, gait, posture, heart rate, blood pressure, odour, keystrokes characteristics, for the purpose of establishing an individual’s identity by comparing biometric data of that individual to stored biometric data of individuals in a reference database, irrespective of whether the individual has given its consent or not. |
Parent | AICapability |
Source | The AI Act, Recital 15 |
IRI | |
Term | ComputerVision |
Label | Computer Vision |
Definition | Capability of a functional unit to acquire, process and interpret data representing images or video. |
Parent | AICapability |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 3.7.1 |
IRI | |
Term | ActionRecognition |
Label | Action Recognition |
Definition | The capability to recognise actions |
Parent | ComputerVision |
Source | AI Watch, Defining Artificial Intelligence 2.0 |
IRI | |
Term | FaceRecognition |
Label | Face Recognition |
Definition | Automatic pattern recognition comparing stored images of human faces with the image of an actual face, indicating any matching, if it exists, and any data, if they exist, identifying the person to whom the face belongs. |
Parent | ComputerVision |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 3.7.2 |
IRI | |
Term | GestureRecognition |
Label | Gesture Recognition |
Definition | The capability of AI system to recognise human gestures. |
Parent | ComputerVision |
Source | AI Watch, Defining Artificial Intelligence 2.0 |
IRI | |
Term | ObjectRecognition |
Label | Object Recognition |
Definition | The capability to recognise objects |
Parent | ComputerVision |
Source | AI Watch, Defining Artificial Intelligence 2.0 |
IRI | |
Term | DialogueManagement |
Label | Dialogue Management |
Definition | Choosing the appropriate next move in a dialogue based on user input, the dialogue history and other contextual knowledge to meet a desired goal |
Parent | AICapability |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 3.6.2 |
IRI | |
Term | EmotionRecognition |
Label | Emotion Recognition |
Definition | Computationally identifying and categorizing emotions expressed in a piece of text, speech, video or image or combination thereof. |
Parent | AICapability |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 3.6.3 |
IRI | |
Term | BiometricsBasedEmotionRecognition |
Label | Biometrics Based Emotion Recognition |
Definition | Refers to recognisting emtions based on biometrics information |
Parent | EmotionRecognition |
Source | None |
IRI | |
Term | ImageRecognition |
Label | Image Recognition |
Definition | Image classification process that classifies object(s), pattern(s) or concept(s) in an image. |
Parent | AICapability |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 3.7.4 |
IRI | |
Term | InformationRetrieval |
Label | Information Retrieval |
Definition | Retrieving relevant documents or parts of documents from a dataset, typically based on keyword or natural language queries. |
Parent | AICapability |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 3.6.4 |
IRI | |
Term | MusicInformationRetrieval |
Label | Music Information Retrieval |
Definition | Retrieving information from music. |
Parent | InformationRetrieval |
Source | AI Watch, Defining Artificial Intelligence 2.0 |
IRI | |
Term | LieDetection |
Label | Lie Detection |
Definition | Detecting lies |
Parent | Detection |
Source | None |
IRI | |
Term | MachineTranslation |
Label | Machine Translation |
Definition | Automated translation of text or speech from one natural language to another using a computer system. |
Parent | AICapability |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 3.6.5 |
IRI | |
Term | NamedEntityRecognition |
Label | Named Entity Recognition |
Definition | Recognizing and labelling the denotational names of entities and their categories for sequences of words in a stream of text or speech. |
Parent | AICapability |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 3.6.6 |
IRI | |
Term | NaturalLanguageGeneration |
Label | Natural Language Generation |
Definition | Converting data carrying semantics into natural language. |
Parent | AICapability |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 3.6.8 |
IRI | |
Term | PartOfSpeechTagging |
Label | Part Of Speech Tagging |
Definition | Assigning a category (e.g. verb, noun, adjective) to a word based on its grammatical properties. |
Parent | AICapability |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 3.6.13 |
IRI | |
Term | PersonalityTraitsAnalysis |
Label | Personality Traits Analysis |
Definition | Capability of a system in determining and analysing people's personality traits |
Parent | AICapability |
Source | None |
IRI | |
Term | Profiling |
Label | Profiling |
Definition | Any form of automated processing of personal data consisting of the use of personal data to evaluate certain personal aspects relating to a natural person, in particular to analyse or predict aspects concerning that natural person’s performance at work, economic situation, health, personal preferences, interests, reliability, behaviour, location or movements. |
Parent | AICapability |
Source | GDPR, Art. 4(4) |
IRI | |
Term | QuestionAnswering |
Label | Question Answering |
Definition | Determining the most appropriate answer to a question provided in natural language. |
Parent | AICapability |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 3.6.14 |
IRI | |
Term | RelationshipExtraction |
Label | Relationship Extraction |
Definition | Identifying relationships among entities mentioned in a text. |
Parent | AICapability |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 3.6.15 |
IRI | |
Term | SensitiveAttributeInference |
Label | Sensitive Attribute Inference |
Definition | The capability of infering sensitive or protected attributes or characteristics |
Parent | AICapability |
Source | None |
IRI | |
Term | SentimentAnalysis |
Label | Sentiment Analysis |
Definition | Computationally identifying and categorizing opinions expressed in a piece of text, speech or image, to determine a range of feeling such as from positive to negative. |
Parent | AICapability |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 3.6.16 |
IRI | |
Term | AGI |
Label | Artificial General Intelligence |
Definition | Type of AI system that addresses a broad range of tasks with a satisfactory level of performance. |
Parent | AISystem |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 3.1.14 |
IRI | |
Term | CognitiveComputing |
Label | Cognitive Computing |
Definition | Category of AI systems that enables people and machines to interact more naturally. |
Parent | AISystem |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 3.1.8 |
IRI | |
Term | ExpertSystem |
Label | Expert System |
Definition | AI system that accumulates, combines and encapsulates knowledge provided by a human expert or experts in a specific domain to infer solutions to problems. |
Parent | AISystem |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 3.1.13 |
IRI | |
Term | GeneralAI |
Label | General AI |
Definition | Type of AI system that addresses a broad range of tasks with a satisfactory level of performance. |
Parent | AISystem |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 3.1.14 |
IRI | |
Term | IntelligentControlSystem |
Label | Intelligent Control System |
Definition | An AI-based control system |
Parent | AISystem |
Source | AI Watch, Defining Artificial Intelligence 2.0 |
IRI | |
Term | IoTSystem |
Label | IoT System |
Definition | A system providing functionalities of IoT. |
Parent | AISystem |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 3.1.20 |
IRI | |
Term | MultiAgentSystem |
Label | Multi Agent System |
Definition | A system consisting of multiple AI agents. |
Parent | AISystem |
Source | None |
IRI | |
Term | NarrowAI |
Label | Narrow AI |
Definition | Type of AI system that is focused on defined tasks to address a specific problem. |
Parent | AISystem |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 3.1.24 |
IRI | |
Term | NaturalLanguageProcessingSystem |
Label | Natural Language Processing System |
Definition | Information processing based upon natural language understanding or natural language generation. |
Parent | AISystem |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 3.6.9 |
IRI | |
Term | Robot |
Label | Robot |
Definition | An automation system with actuators that performs intended tasks in the physical world, by means of sensing its environment and a software control system. |
Parent | AISystem |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 3.1.29 |
IRI | |
Term | IndustrialRobot |
Label | Industrial Robot |
Definition | A robot for use in industrial automation applications. |
Parent | Robot |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 3.1.29 |
IRI | |
Term | ServiceRobot |
Label | Service Robot |
Definition | A robot in personal use or professional use that performs useful tasks for humans or equipment. |
Parent | Robot |
Source | ISO 8373:2021, 3.7 |
IRI | |
Term | SocialRobot |
Label | Social Robot |
Definition | Robots with social interaction functions. |
Parent | Robot |
Source | AI Watch, Defining Artificial Intelligence 2.0 |
IRI | |
Term | API |
Label | API |
Definition | Application Programming Interface. |
Parent | AIComponent |
Source | None |
IRI | |
Term | Algorithm |
Label | Algorithm |
Definition | Defines a set of instructions |
Parent | AIComponent |
Source | None |
IRI | |
Term | GeneticAlgorithm |
Label | Genetic Algorithm |
Definition | Algorithm which simulates natural selection by creating and evolving a population of individuals (solutions) for optimization problems |
Parent | Algorithm |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 3.1.15 |
IRI | |
Term | MachineLearningAlgorithm |
Label | Machine Learning Algorithm |
Definition | An algorithm to determine parameters of a machine learning model from data according to given criteria. |
Parent | Algorithm |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989 3.3.6 |
IRI | |
Term | SupportVectorMachine |
Label | Support Vector Machine |
Definition | A machine learning algorithm that finds decision boundaries with maximal margins. |
Parent | MachineLearningAlgorithm |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989 3.3.13 |
IRI | |
Term | NeuralNetwork |
Label | Neural Network |
Definition | Network of one or more layers of neurons connected by weighted links with adjustable weights, which takes input data and produces an output. |
Parent | Algorithm |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989 3.4.8 |
IRI | |
Term | FeedForwardNeuralNetwork |
Label | Feed Forward Neural Network |
Definition | Neural network where information is fed from the input layer to the output layer in one direction only. |
Parent | NeuralNetwork |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989 3.4.6 |
IRI | |
Term | ConvolutionalNeuralNetwork |
Label | Convolutional Neural Network |
Definition | Feed forward neural network using convolution in at least one of its layers. |
Parent | FeedForwardNeuralNetwork |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989 3.4.2 |
IRI | |
Term | RecurrentNeuralNetwork |
Label | Recurrent Neural Network |
Definition | A neural network in which outputs from both the previous layer and the previous processing step are fed into the current layer. |
Parent | NeuralNetwork |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989, 3.4.10 |
IRI | |
Term | LongShortTermMemory |
Label | Long ShortTerm Memory |
Definition | Type of recurrent neural network that processes sequential data with a satisfactory performance for both long and short span dependencies. |
Parent | RecurrentNeuralNetwork |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989, 3.4.7 |
IRI | |
Term | ApplicationPlatform |
Label | Application Platform |
Definition | Resource on which an application runs. |
Parent | AIComponent |
IRI | |
Term | MachineLearningPlatform |
Label | Machine Learning Platform |
Definition | Resource on which a ML model runs. |
Parent | ApplicationPlatform |
IRI | |
Term | Hardware |
Label | Hardware |
Definition | Physical equipment/component |
Parent | AIComponent |
IRI | |
Term | ApplicationSpecificIntegratedCircuit |
Label | Application Specific Integrated Circuit |
Definition | An integrated circuit chip customized for a particular use. |
Parent | Hardware |
IRI | |
Term | TensorProcessingUnit |
Label | Tensor Processing Unit |
Definition | An AI application-specific integrated circuit developed by Google. |
Parent | ApplicationSpecificIntegratedCircuit |
IRI | |
Term | Library |
Label | Library |
Definition | A collection of pre-written code |
Parent | AIComponent |
IRI | |
Term | MachineLearningLibrary |
Label | Machine Learning Library |
Definition | Refers to liberaries for machine learning |
Parent | Library |
Source | None |
IRI | |
Term | Model |
Label | Model |
Definition | physical, mathematical or otherwise logical representation of a system, entity, phenomenon, process or data. |
Parent | AIComponent |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 3.1.23 |
IRI | |
Term | BayesianNetwork |
Label | Bayesian Network |
Definition | Probabilistic model that uses Bayesian inference for probability computations using a directed acyclic graph. |
Parent | Model |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989, 3.3.1 |
IRI | |
Term | DecisionTree |
Label | Decision Tree |
Definition | Model for which inference is encoded as paths from the root to a leaf node in a tree structure. |
Parent | Model |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989 3.3.2 |
IRI | |
Term | MachineLearningModel |
Label | Machine Learning Model |
Definition | Mathematical construct that generates an inference or prediction based on input data or information. |
Parent | Model & airo:AIModel |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 3.3.7 |
IRI | |
Term | TrainedModel |
Label | Trained Model |
Definition | Model resulted from model training. |
Parent | Model |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 3.3.14 |
IRI | |
Term | Tool |
Label | Tool |
Definition | Refers to a software tool |
Parent | AIComponent |
Source | None |
IRI | |
Term | KnowledgeBasedTechnique |
Label | Knowledge Based Technique |
Definition | Techniques based on the use of knowledge bases |
Parent | AITechnique |
IRI | |
Term | InductiveProgramming |
Label | Inductive Programming |
Definition | The inference of an algorithm or program featuring recursive calls or repetition control structures |
Parent | KnowledgeBasedTechnique |
IRI | |
Term | KnowledgeRepresentation |
Label | Knowledge Representation |
Definition | Encoding knowledge in a formal language |
Parent | KnowledgeBasedTechnique |
IRI | |
Term | SymbolicReasoning |
Label | Symbolic Reasoning |
Definition | Reasoning based on the knowledge encoded in a formal language |
Parent | KnowledgeBasedTechnique |
IRI | |
Term | LogicBasedTechnique |
Label | Logic Based Technique |
Definition | Refers to logic based techniques. |
Parent | AITechnique |
IRI | |
Term | MachineLearning |
Label | Machine Learning |
Definition | Process of optimizing model parameters through computational techniques, such that the model's behaviour reflects the data or experience. |
Parent | AITechnique |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 3.3.5 |
IRI | |
Term | DeepLearning |
Label | Deep Learning |
Definition | Approach to creating rich hierarchical representations through the training of neural networks with many hidden layers |
Parent | MachineLearning |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 3.4.4 |
IRI | |
Term | ReinforcementLearning |
Label | Reinforcement Learning |
Definition | Learning of an optimal sequence of actions to maximize a reward through interaction with an environment |
Parent | MachineLearning |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 3.3.9 |
IRI | |
Term | SemiSupervisedLearning |
Label | Semi Supervised Learning |
Definition | Machine learning that makes use of both labelled and unlabelled data during training |
Parent | MachineLearning |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 3.3.11 |
IRI | |
Term | SupervisedLearning |
Label | Supervised Learning |
Definition | Machine learning that makes only use of labelled data during training |
Parent | MachineLearning |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 3.3.11 |
IRI | |
Term | UnsupervisedLearning |
Label | Unsupervised Learning |
Definition | Machine learning that makes only use of unlabelled data during training. |
Parent | MachineLearning |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 3.3.17 |
IRI | |
Term | ReasoningTechnique |
Label | Reasoning Technique |
Definition | Refers to reasoning techniques. |
Parent | AITechnique |
IRI | |
Term | StatisticalTechnique |
Label | Statistical Technique |
Definition | Refers to techniques that are based on statistics |
Parent | AITechnique |
IRI | |
Term | BayesianEstimation |
Label | Bayesian Estimation |
Definition | Refers to Bayesian estimation approach |
Parent | StatisticalTechnique |
IRI | |
Term | BayesianOptimisation |
Label | Bayesian Optimisation |
Definition | Refers to Bayesian optimisation technique. |
Parent | StatisticalTechnique |
IRI | |
Term | OptimisationMethod |
Label | Optimisation Method |
Definition | Refers to optimisation Method |
Parent | StatisticalTechnique |
IRI | |
Term | SearchMethod |
Label | Search Method |
Definition | Refers to statistical-based search Methods |
Parent | StatisticalTechnique |
IRI | |
Term | Product |
Label | Product |
Definition | Refers to physical products. |
Parent | Modality |
IRI | |
Term | SafetyComponent |
Label | Safety Component |
Definition | Component of a product or of an AI system which fulfils a safety function for that product or AI system, or the failure or malfunctioning of which endangers the health and safety of persons or property |
Parent | Modality |
Source | AI Act, Art. 3(14) |
IRI | |
Term | Service |
Label | Service |
Definition | Refers to system provided as a service |
Parent | Modality |
IRI | |
Term | Software |
Label | Software |
Definition | Refers to a stand alone software system |
Parent | Modality |
IRI | |
Term | Attack |
Label | Attack |
Definition | Malicious attempts to exploit vulnerabilities |
Parent | RiskSource |
IRI | |
Term | AdversarialAttack |
Label | Adversarial Attack |
Definition | Inputs designed to cause the model to make a mistake |
Parent | Attack |
IRI | |
Term | DataPoisoning |
Label | Data Poisoning |
Definition | Attack trying to manipulate the training dataset. |
Parent | Attack |
IRI | |
Term | ModelEvasion |
Label | Model Evasion |
Definition | An input, which seems normal for a human but is wrongly classified by ML models. |
Parent | Attack |
Source | ALTAI |
IRI | |
Term | ModelInversion |
Label | Model Inversion |
Definition | A type of attack to AI models, in which the access to a model is abused to infer information about the training data. |
Parent | Attack |
Source | ALTAI |
IRI | |
Term | DataRiskSource |
Label | Data Risk Source |
Definition | Risk sources related to data |
Parent | RiskSource |
IRI | |
Term | ErrorInDataCollection |
Label | Error In Data Collection |
Definition | Refers to errors in data collection process |
Parent | DataRiskSource |
IRI | |
Term | ErrorInDataPrepration |
Label | Error In Data Prepration |
Definition | Refers to errors in data prepration process |
Parent | DataRiskSource |
IRI | |
Term | InputDataRiskSource |
Label | Input Data Risk Source |
Definition | Risk sources related to input data |
Parent | DataRiskSource |
IRI | |
Term | ErroneousInputData |
Label | Erroneous Input Data |
Definition | Error in data used as input |
Parent | InputDataRiskSource |
IRI | |
Term | TestDataRiskSource |
Label | Test Data Risk Source |
Definition | Risk sources related to test data |
Parent | DataRiskSource |
IRI | |
Term | BiasedTestData |
Label | Biased Test Data |
Definition | Bias in test data |
Parent | TestDataRiskSource |
IRI | |
Term | ErroneousTestData |
Label | Erroneous Test Data |
Definition | Error in test data |
Parent | TestDataRiskSource |
IRI | |
Term | IncompleteTestData |
Label | Incomplete Test Data |
Definition | Incompleteness of testing data set |
Parent | TestDataRiskSource |
IRI | |
Term | IrrelevantTestData |
Label | Irrelevant Test Data |
Definition | Use of irrelevant data for testing |
Parent | TestDataRiskSource |
IRI | |
Term | UnrepresentativeTestData |
Label | Unrepresentative Test Data |
Definition | Use of unrepresentative data for testing |
Parent | TestDataRiskSource |
IRI | |
Term | TrainingDataRiskSource |
Label | Training Data Risk Source |
Definition | Risk sources related to training data |
Parent | DataRiskSource |
IRI | |
Term | BiasedTrainingData |
Label | Biased Training Data |
Definition | Bias in training data |
Parent | TrainingDataRiskSource |
IRI | |
Term | ErroneousTrainingData |
Label | Erroneous Training Data |
Definition | Error in training data |
Parent | TrainingDataRiskSource |
IRI | |
Term | IncompleteTrainingData |
Label | Incomplete Training Data |
Definition | Incompleteness of training data set |
Parent | TrainingDataRiskSource |
IRI | |
Term | IrrelevantTrainingData |
Label | Irrelevant Training Data |
Definition | Use of irrelevant data for training |
Parent | TrainingDataRiskSource |
IRI | |
Term | UnrepresentativeTrainingData |
Label | Unrepresentative Training Data |
Definition | Use of unrepresentative data for training |
Parent | TrainingDataRiskSource |
IRI | |
Term | UnavailabilityOfData |
Label | Unavailability Of Data |
Definition | Use of datasets that are not available |
Parent | DataRiskSource |
IRI | |
Term | ValidationDataRiskSource |
Label | Validation Data Risk Source |
Definition | Risk sources related to validation data |
Parent | DataRiskSource |
IRI | |
Term | BiasedValidationData |
Label | Biased Validation Data |
Definition | Bias in validation data |
Parent | ValidationDataRiskSource |
IRI | |
Term | ErroneousValidationData |
Label | Erroneous Validation Data |
Definition | Error in validation data |
Parent | ValidationDataRiskSource |
IRI | |
Term | IncompleteValidationData |
Label | Incomplete Validation Data |
Definition | Incompleteness of validation data set |
Parent | ValidationDataRiskSource |
IRI | |
Term | IrrelevantValidationData |
Label | Irrelevant Validation Data |
Definition | Use of irrelevant data for validation |
Parent | ValidationDataRiskSource |
IRI | |
Term | UnrepresentativeValidationData |
Label | Unrepresentative Validation Data |
Definition | Use of unrepresentative data for validation |
Parent | ValidationDataRiskSource |
IRI | |
Term | WrongDataDesignChoice |
Label | Wrong Data Design Choice |
Definition | Refers to the wrong choice made in the selecting datasets. |
Parent | DataRiskSource |
IRI | |
Term | ModelRiskSource |
Label | Model Risk Source |
Definition | Risk sources related to the AI model |
Parent | RiskSource |
IRI | |
Term | OrganisationalRiskSource |
Label | Organisational Risk Source |
Definition | Risk sources related with the organisation developing, deploying, or using AI. |
Parent | RiskSource |
IRI | |
Term | InsufficientHumanOversightMeasure |
Label | Insufficient Human Oversight Measure |
Definition | Lack of appropriate human oversight measures |
Parent | OrganisationalRiskSource |
IRI | |
Term | InsufficientInstruction |
Label | Insufficient Instruction |
Definition | Lack of appropriate instruction for use |
Parent | OrganisationalRiskSource |
IRI | |
Term | LackOfTransparency |
Label | Lack Of Transparency |
Definition | Refers to lack transparency regarding AI, its development, deployement, or use |
Parent | OrganisationalRiskSource |
IRI | |
Term | StaffIncompetence |
Label | Staff Incompetence |
Definition | Incompetence of staff such as human oversight actors |
Parent | OrganisationalRiskSource |
IRI | |
Term | PerfomanceRiskSource |
Label | Perfomance Risk Source |
Definition | Risk sources related to performance |
Parent | RiskSource |
IRI | |
Term | LowAccuracy |
Label | Low Accuracy |
Definition | Inacurracy of the predictions, recommondations, or decisions produced by the system. |
Parent | PerfomanceRiskSource |
IRI | |
Term | InaccurateDecision |
Label | Inaccurate Decision |
Definition | Inaccurate decision generated by the system. |
Parent | LowAccuracy |
IRI | |
Term | InaccuratePrediction |
Label | Inaccurate Prediction |
Definition | Inaccurate prediction generated by the system. |
Parent | LowAccuracy |
IRI | |
Term | InaccurateRecommendation |
Label | Inaccurate Recommendation |
Definition | Inaccurate recommendation generated by the system. |
Parent | LowAccuracy |
IRI | |
Term | LowRobustness |
Label | Low Robustness |
Definition | Lack of appropriate level of robustness |
Parent | PerfomanceRiskSource |
IRI | |
Term | LowSecurity |
Label | Low Security |
Definition | Lack of appropriate level of security. |
Parent | PerfomanceRiskSource |
IRI | |
Term | SystemRiskSource |
Label | System Risk Source |
Definition | Risk sources related to the AI system |
Parent | RiskSource |
IRI | |
Term | Bias |
Label | Bias |
Definition | Systematic difference in treatment of certain objects, people or groups in comparison to others. |
Parent | Consequence |
IRI | |
Term | DecreasedRobustness |
Label | Decreased Robustness |
Definition | Decreased level of system's robustness resulted from materialisation of a risk. |
Parent | Consequence |
IRI | |
Term | DecreasedSecurity |
Label | Decreased Security |
Definition | Decreased level of security of system resulted from materialisation of a risk. |
Parent | Consequence |
IRI | |
Term | DegradedAccuracy |
Label | Degraded Accuracy |
Definition | Decreased level of system's accuracy resulted from materialisation of a risk. |
Parent | Consequence |
IRI | |
Term | Overreliance |
Label | Overreliance |
Definition | Tendency of automatically relying or over-relying on the output produced by an AI system |
Parent | Impact |
Source | None |
IRI | |
Term | WellbeingImpact |
Label | Wellbeing Impact |
Definition | Refers to impacts that affect wellbeing |
Parent | Impact |
Source | None |
IRI | |
Term | DistortionInHumanBehaviour |
Label | Distortion In Human Behaviour |
Definition | Represents distortion of human behaviour caused by AI |
Parent | WellbeingImpact |
Source | None |
IRI | |
Term | PhysicalInjury |
Label | Physical Injury |
Definition | Represent physical injuries caused by AI |
Parent | WellbeingImpact |
Source | None |
IRI | |
Term | PsychologicalHarm |
Label | Psychological Harm |
Definition | Represents negative impacts of AI on psychological health |
Parent | WellbeingImpact |
Source | None |
IRI | |
Term | Freedom |
Label | Freedom |
Definition | Refers to freedoms given to individuals |
Parent | AreaOfImpact |
IRI | |
Term | Health |
Label | Health |
Definition | Refers to an individuals' health. |
Parent | AreaOfImpact |
IRI | |
Term | PhysicalHealth |
Label | Physical Health |
Definition | Refers to physical health. |
Parent | Health |
IRI | |
Term | PsychologicalHealth |
Label | Psychological Health |
Definition | Refers to psychological health. |
Parent | Health |
IRI | |
Term | Right |
Label | Right |
Definition | Refers to fundamental rights. |
Parent | AreaOfImpact |
IRI | |
Term | RightToNondiscrimination |
Label | Right To Non-discrimination |
Definition | Refers to the fundamental right to non-discrimination |
Parent | Right |
IRI | |
Term | Safety |
Label | Safety |
Definition | Refers to the state of safety. |
Parent | AreaOfImpact |
IRI | |
Term | DetectionControl |
Label | Detection Control |
Definition | Control that is applied for detection purposes, e.g. detecting risks |
Parent | RiskControl |
IRI | |
Term | BiasDetection |
Label | Bias Detection |
Definition | Control that is applied to detect bias in datasets, models, algorithms, etc. |
Parent | DetectionControl |
IRI | |
Term | LoggingMeasure |
Label | Logging Measure |
Definition | Refers to logging measure in place |
Parent | RiskControl |
IRI | |
Term | ManualControl |
Label | Manual Control |
Definition | Controls implemented manually by human actors |
Parent | RiskControl |
IRI | |
Term | Approval |
Label | Approval |
Definition | Approval or refusual of a request, excutation of process, etc. to prevent or mitigate a risk. |
Parent | ManualControl |
IRI | |
Term | MitigationMeasure |
Label | Mitigation Measure |
Definition | Control that is applied for mitigation purposes, e.g. ,mitigating risk sources, impacts, etc. |
Parent | RiskControl |
IRI | |
Term | OverridingOutcome |
Label | Overriding Outcome |
Definition | Overriding outcome of a system. |
Parent | MitigationMeasure |
IRI | |
Term | ReversingOutcome |
Label | Reversing Outcome |
Definition | Reversing the outcome of a system. |
Parent | MitigationMeasure |
IRI | |
Term | OperationalMeasure |
Label | Operational Measure |
Definition | Control related to operation of the system. |
Parent | RiskControl |
IRI | |
Term | Interruption |
Label | Interruption |
Definition | Interrupting the system's operation |
Parent | OperationalMeasure |
IRI | |
Term | Intervention |
Label | Intervention |
Definition | Intervention of system's operation |
Parent | OperationalMeasure |
IRI | |
Term | OrganisationalMeasure |
Label | Organisational Measure |
Definition | Organisational measures applied to control risk sources, risks, consequences, or impacts. |
Parent | RiskControl |
IRI | |
Term | InformationProvision |
Label | Information Provision |
Definition | Providing information to inform the user of in particular an AI system’s intended purpose and proper use, inclusive of the specific geographical, behavioural or functional setting within which the AI system is intended to be used. |
Parent | OrganisationalMeasure |
IRI | |
Term | UserTraining |
Label | User Training |
Definition | Providing training to staff, users, etc. |
Parent | OrganisationalMeasure |
IRI | |
Term | SemiAutomatedControl |
Label | Semi Automated Control |
Definition | Controls that are implemeted in a semi automated manner. |
Parent | RiskControl |
IRI | |
Term | HumanOversightMeasure |
Label | Human Oversight Measure |
Definition | Overseening the system by natural persons to detect, prevent or minimise risk. |
Parent | SemiAutomatedControl |
IRI | |
Term | TechnicalMeasure |
Label | Technical Measure |
Definition | Refers to technical measures |
Parent | RiskControl |
IRI | |
Term | MonitoringMeasure |
Label | Monitoring Measure |
Definition | Refers to monitoring measures |
Parent | RiskControl |
IRI | |
Term | SecurityMeasure |
Label | Security Measure |
Definition | Refers to security measures |
Parent | RiskControl |
IRI | |
Term | TransparencyMeasure |
Label | Transparency Measure |
Definition | Refers to transparency measures |
Parent | RiskControl |
IRI | |
Term | EUAgency |
Label | EU Agency |
Definition | Union agency |
Parent | AIOperator |
Source |
IRI | |
Term | EUBody |
Label | EU Body |
Definition | Union body |
Parent | AIOperator |
IRI | |
Term | EUInstitution |
Label | EU Institution |
Definition | Union institution |
Parent | AIOperator |
IRI | |
Term | EUOffice |
Label | EU Office |
Definition | EU office |
Parent | AIOperator |
IRI | |
Term | EducationalInstitution |
Label | Educational Institution |
Definition | Educational institution at any level |
Parent | AIOperator |
IRI | |
Term | EmergencyServiceProvider |
Label | Emergency Service Provider |
Definition | Provider of emergency first response services |
Parent | AIOperator |
IRI | |
Term | EmergencyHealthCareProvider |
Label | Emergency Healthcare Provider |
Definition | Refer to emergency healthcare providers |
Parent | EmergencyServiceProvider |
IRI | |
Term | FireBrigade |
Label | Fire Brigade |
Definition | Refers to fire department |
Parent | EmergencyServiceProvider |
IRI | |
Term | MedicalAidProvider |
Label | Medical Aid Provider |
Definition | Entity that provides medical aid |
Parent | EmergencyServiceProvider |
IRI | |
Term | Police |
Label | Police |
Definition | Police |
Parent | EmergencyServiceProvider |
IRI | |
Term | JudicialAuthority |
Label | Judicial Authority |
Definition | An authority to administer justice |
Parent | AIOperator |
IRI | |
Term | JudicialAuthorityAgent |
Label | Judicial Authority Agent |
Definition | An entity that acts on behalf on judicial authorities |
Parent | AIOperator |
IRI | |
Term | LawEnforcementAuthority |
Label | Law Enforcement Authority |
Definition | Law enforcement authority means: (a) any public authority competent for the prevention, investigation, detection or prosecution of criminal offences or the execution of criminal penalties, including the safeguarding against and the prevention of threats to public security; or (b) any other body or entity entrusted by Member State law to exercise public authority and public powers for the purposes of the prevention, investigation, detection or prosecution of criminal offences or the execution of criminal penalties, including the safeguarding against and the prevention of threats to public security. |
Parent | AIOperator |
Source | AI Act, Art. 3(45) |
IRI | |
Term | LawEnforcementAuthorityAgent |
Label | Law Enforcement Authority Agent |
Definition | An entity that acts on behalf of law enforcement authorities. |
Parent | AIOperator |
IRI | |
Term | PublicAuthority |
Label | Public Authority |
Definition | Refers to public authorities and bodies. |
Parent | AIOperator |
IRI | |
Term | PublicAuthorityAgent |
Label | Public Authority Agent |
Definition | An entity that acts on behalf of public authorities. |
Parent | AIOperator |
IRI | |
Term | VocationalTrainingInstitution |
Label | Vocational Training Institution |
Definition | Vocational training institution at any level |
Parent | AIOperator |
IRI | |
Term | AsylumSeeker |
Label | Asylum Seeker |
Definition | A person who has applied for asylum |
Parent | AISubject |
IRI | |
Term | CourseAttendee |
Label | Course Attendee |
Definition | A person who attends a course. |
Parent | AISubject |
IRI | |
Term | Employee |
Label | Employee |
Definition | A person in work-related contractual relationships |
Parent | AISubject |
IRI | |
Term | Family |
Label | Family |
Definition | A group of people related to each other by blood or marraige |
Parent | AISubject |
IRI | |
Term | Group |
Label | Group |
Definition | A group of persons such as citizens, marginsalised groups, etc. |
Parent | AISubject |
IRI | |
Term | IndividualEnteredState |
Label | Individual Entered State |
Definition | A person who has entered into the territory of a State |
Parent | AISubject |
IRI | |
Term | IndividualIntendsToEnterState |
Label | Individual Intends To Enter State |
Definition | A person who intends to enter into the territory of a State |
Parent | AISubject |
IRI | |
Term | JobApplicant |
Label | Job Applicant |
Definition | A person who has made an application for employment |
Parent | AISubject |
IRI | |
Term | JobCandidate |
Label | Job Candidate |
Definition | A person who is considered for employment. |
Parent | AISubject |
IRI | |
Term | NaturalPerson |
Label | Natural Person |
Definition | An individual human being |
Parent | AISubject |
IRI | |
Term | PotentialJobApplicant |
Label | Potential Job Applicant |
Definition | A person who may have applied for employment. |
Parent | AISubject |
IRI | |
Term | PotentialPublicServicesApplicant |
Label | Potential Public Services Applicant |
Definition | A person who may have applied for public services. |
Parent | AISubject |
IRI | |
Term | PublicServicesApplicant |
Label | Public Services Applicant |
Definition | A person who has applied for public services and benefits |
Parent | AISubject |
IRI | |
Term | PublicServicesRecipient |
Label | Public Services Recipient |
Definition | Person who is recipient of public services and benefits |
Parent | AISubject |
IRI | |
Term | ResidencePermitApplicant |
Label | Residence Permit Applicant |
Definition | A person who has applied for a residence permit |
Parent | AISubject |
IRI | |
Term | VisaApplicant |
Label | Visa Applicant |
Definition | A person who has applied for a visa |
Parent | AISubject |
IRI | |
Term | Action |
Label | Action |
Definition | Action performed by a system. |
Parent | Output |
IRI | |
Term | Content |
Label | Content |
Definition | Content generated using an AI system. |
Parent | Output |
IRI | |
Term | Decision |
Label | Decision |
Definition | Decision generated by an AI system |
Parent | Output |
IRI | |
Term | Prediction |
Label | Prediction |
Definition | Primary output of an AI system when provided with input data or information. |
Parent | Output |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 3.1.27 |
IRI | |
Term | Recommendation |
Label | Recommendation |
Definition | Recommendation generated by an AI system |
Parent | Output |
IRI | |
Term | AssistiveAutomation |
Label | Assistive Automation |
Definition | The level of automation where the system assists an operator |
Parent | AutomationLevel |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 5.13 |
IRI | |
Term | Autonomy |
Label | Autonomy |
Definition | The level of automation where the system is capable of modifying its intended domain of use or its goals without external intervention, control or oversight. |
Parent | AutomationLevel |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 5.13 |
IRI | |
Term | ConditionalAutomation |
Label | Conditional Automation |
Definition | The level of automation where there is sustained and specific performance by a system, with an external agent being ready to take over when necessary. |
Parent | AutomationLevel |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 5.13 |
IRI | |
Term | FullAutomation |
Label | Full Automation |
Definition | The level of automation where is capable of performing its entire mission without external intervention. |
Parent | AutomationLevel |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 5.13 |
IRI | |
Term | HighAutomation |
Label | High Automation |
Definition | The level of automation where there the system performs parts of its mission without external intervention. |
Parent | AutomationLevel |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 5.13 |
IRI | |
Term | NoAutomation |
Label | No Automation |
Definition | The level of automation where an operator fully controls the system |
Parent | AutomationLevel |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 5.13 |
IRI | |
Term | PartialAutomation |
Label | Partial Automation |
Definition | The level of automation where some sub-functions of the system are fully automated while the system remains under the control of an external agent |
Parent | AutomationLevel |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 5.13 |
IRI | |
Term | ActiveInvolvement |
Label | Active Involvement |
Definition | Represents active interactation with an AI system. |
Parent | HumanInvolvement |
IRI | |
Term | InformedInvolvement |
Label | Informed Involvement |
Definition | Represents that a specific actor was informed that an AI system is in place. |
Parent | HumanInvolvement |
IRI | |
Term | IntendedInvolvement |
Label | Intended Involvement |
Definition | Represents involvement of a specific actor is as intended. |
Parent | HumanInvolvement |
IRI | |
Term | PassiveInvolvement |
Label | Passive Involvement |
Definition | Represents passive interactation with an AI system. |
Parent | HumanInvolvement |
IRI | |
Term | UninformedInvolvement |
Label | Uninformed Involvement |
Definition | Represents that a specific actor was not informed that an AI system is in place. |
Parent | HumanInvolvement |
IRI | |
Term | UnintendedInvolvement |
Label | Unintended Involvement |
Definition | Represents unintended involvement of a specific actor. |
Parent | HumanInvolvement |
IRI | |
Term | CannotOptOutOfOutput |
Label | Cannot Opt Out Of Output |
Definition | A mode of controllability that stakeholders cannot opt out of the system’s output. |
Parent | ModeOfOutputControllability |
IRI | |
Term | ChallengeOutput |
Label | Challenge Output |
Definition | A mode of controllability that stakeholders can challenge the system’s output. |
Parent | ModeOfOutputControllability |
IRI | |
Term | CorrectOutput |
Label | Correct Output |
Definition | A mode of controllability that stakeholders can correct the system’s output. |
Parent | ModeOfOutputControllability |
IRI | |
Term | OpttingInOutput |
Label | Optting In Output |
Definition | A mode of controllability that stakeholders can opt in the system’s output. |
Parent | ModeOfOutputControllability |
IRI | |
Term | OpttingOutOfOutput |
Label | Optting Out Of Output |
Definition | A mode of controllability that stakeholders can opt out of the system’s output. |
Parent | ModeOfOutputControllability |
IRI | |
Term | ReverseOutput |
Label | Reverse Output |
Definition | A mode of controllability that stakeholders can reverse the system’s output ex-post. |
Parent | ModeOfOutputControllability |
IRI | |
Term | ContinuousValidation |
Label | Continuous Validation |
Definition | Refers to validation phase of continuous learning AI systems, wherein incremental training takes place on an ongoing basis while the system is running in production. |
Parent | AILifecyclePhase |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 6.2.7 |
IRI | |
Term | Deployment |
Label | Deployment |
Definition | Refers to deployment phase where the AI system is installed, released or configured for operation in a target environment. |
Parent | AILifecyclePhase |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 6.2.5 |
IRI | |
Term | Design |
Label | Design |
Definition | Refers to design phase of AI development |
Parent | AILifecyclePhase |
Source | None |
IRI | |
Term | Development |
Label | Development |
Definition | Refers to the development phase in AI lifecyle |
Parent | AILifecyclePhase |
Source | None |
IRI | |
Term | Inception |
Label | Inception |
Definition | Inception occurs when one or more stakeholders decides to turn an idea into a tangible system |
Parent | AILifecyclePhase |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 6.2.2 |
IRI | |
Term | Operation |
Label | Operation |
Definition | Refers to the operation stage when an AI system is running and generally available for use. |
Parent | AILifecyclePhase |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 6.2.6 |
IRI | |
Term | ReEvaluation |
Label | Re-Evaluation |
Definition | After the operation and monitoring stage, based on the results of the work of the AI system, the need for a reassessment can arise. |
Parent | AILifecyclePhase |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 6.2.8 |
IRI | |
Term | Retirement |
Label | Retirement |
Definition | The stage the AI system become obsolete |
Parent | AILifecyclePhase |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 6.2.9 |
IRI | |
Term | Validation |
Label | Validation |
Definition | Validating that the AI system from the design and development stage works according to requirements and meets objectives. |
Parent | AILifecyclePhase |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 6.2.4 |
IRI | |
Term | Verification |
Label | Verification |
Definition | Verifying the AI system from the design and development stage works according to requirements and meets objectives. |
Parent | AILifecyclePhase |
Source | ISO/IEC 22989:2022, 6.2.4 |
IRI | |
Term | AICards |
Label | AI Cards |
Definition | A form of AI documentation |
Parent | Documentation |
IRI | |
Term | Datasheet |
Label | Datasheet |
Definition | A form of dataset documentation |
Parent | Documentation |
IRI | |
Term | DesignSpecification |
Label | Design Specification |
Definition | Design specification of a system |
Parent | Documentation |
IRI | |
Term | EUDeclarationOfConformity |
Label | EU Declaration Of Conformity |
Definition | Document providing the EU declaration of conformity, as required by the AI Act, Article 47. |
Parent | Documentation |
IRI | |
Term | InstallationInstruction |
Label | Installation Instruction |
Definition | Instruction for installing an application. |
Parent | Documentation |
IRI | |
Term | InstructionForUse |
Label | Instruction For Use |
Definition | The information provided by the provider to inform the deployer of, in particular, an AI system’s intended purpose and proper use. |
Parent | Documentation |
Source | AI Act, Art. 3(15) |
IRI | |
Term | ModelCard |
Label | Model Card |
Definition | A form of model documentation |
Parent | Documentation |
IRI | |
Term | PostMarketMonitoringPlan |
Label | Post-market Monitoring Plan |
Definition | Description of the post-market monitoring plan, as required by the AI Act. |
Parent | Documentation |
IRI | |
Term | PostMarketMonitoringSystemDescription |
Label | Post-market Monitoring System Description |
Definition | Description of the post-market monitoring system in place, as required by the AI Act. |
Parent | Documentation |
IRI | |
Term | SystemArchitectureDocumentation |
Label | System Architecture Documentation |
Definition | Documentation specifying software architecture. |
Parent | Documentation |
IRI | |
Term | TechnicalDocumentation |
Label | Technical Documentation |
Definition | Documentation required by the AI Act, Article 11. |
Parent | Documentation |
IRI | |
Term | TestLog |
Label | Test Log |
Definition | Log of the tests performed. |
Parent | Documentation |
IRI | |
Term | TestReport |
Label | Test Report |
Definition | A document that includes a summary of test activities and their results. |
Parent | Documentation |
IRI | |
Term | IEC31010-2019 |
Label | IEC 31010:2019 |
Definition | Risk management — Risk assessment techniques |
Parent | Standard |
IRI | |
Term | ISO10013-2021 |
Label | ISO 10013:2021 |
Definition | Quality management systems — Guidance for documented information |
Parent | Standard |
IRI | |
Term | ISO31000-2018 |
Label | ISO 31000:2018 |
Definition | Risk management — Guidelines |
Parent | Standard |
IRI | |
Term | ISO31073_2022 |
Label | ISO 31073:2022 |
Definition | ISO 31073:2022 Risk management — Vocabulary |
Parent | Standard |
IRI | |
Term | ISO9001-2015 |
Label | ISO 9001:2015 |
Definition | Quality management systems — Requirements |
Parent | Standard |
IRI | |
Term | ISOIEC20546-2019 |
Label | IEC 20546:2019 |
Definition | Information technology — Big data — Overview and vocabulary |
Parent | Standard |
IRI | |
Term | ISOIEC20547-3-2020 |
Label | IEC 20547-3:2020 |
Definition | Information technology — Big data reference architecture — Part 3: Reference architecture |
Parent | Standard |
IRI | |
Term | ISOIEC22989-2022 |
Label | ISO/IEC 22989:2022 |
Definition | Information technology — Artificial intelligence — Artificial intelligence concepts and terminology |
Parent | Standard |
IRI | |
Term | ISOIEC23053-2022 |
Label | IEC 23053:2022 |
Definition | Framework for Artificial Intelligence (AI) Systems Using Machine Learning (ML) |
Parent | Standard |
IRI | |
Term | ISOIEC23894-2023 |
Label | IEC 23894:2023 |
Definition | Information technology — Artificial intelligence — Guidance on risk management |
Parent | Standard |
IRI | |
Term | ISOIEC24668-2022 |
Label | IEC 24668:2022 |
Definition | Information technology — Artificial intelligence — Process management framework for big data analytics |
Parent | Standard |
IRI | |
Term | ISOIEC38507-2022 |
Label | IEC 38507:2022 |
Definition | Information technology — Governance of IT — Governance implications of the use of artificial intelligence by organizations |
Parent | Standard |
IRI | |
Term | ISOIEC42001_2023 |
Label | IEC 42001:2023 |
Definition | IEC 42001:2023 Information technology — Artificial intelligence — Management system |
Parent | Standard |
IRI | |
Term | ISOIECTR20547-1-2020 |
Label | IEC TR 20547-1:2020 |
Definition | Information technology — Big data reference architecture — Part 1: Framework and application process |
Parent | Standard |
IRI | |
Term | ISOIECTR20547-2-2018 |
Label | IEC TR 20547-2:2018 |
Definition | Information technology — Big data reference architecture — Part 2: Use cases and derived requirements |
Parent | Standard |
IRI | |
Term | ISOIECTR20547-5-2018 |
Label | IEC TR 20547-5:2018 |
Definition | Information technology — Big data reference architecture — Part 5: Standards roadmap |
Parent | Standard |
IRI | |
Term | ISOIECTR24027-2021 |
Label | IEC TR 24027:2021 |
Definition | Information technology — Artificial intelligence (AI) — Bias in AI systems and AI aided decision making |
Parent | Standard |
IRI | |
Term | ISOIECTR24028-2020 |
Label | IEC TR 24028:2020 |
Definition | v |
Parent | Standard |
IRI | |
Term | ISOIECTR24029-1-2021 |
Label | IEC TR 24029-1:2021 |
Definition | Artificial Intelligence (AI) — Assessment of the robustness of neural networks — Part 1: Overview |
Parent | Standard |
IRI | |
Term | ISOIECTR24030-2021 |
Label | IEC TR 24030:2021 |
Definition | Information technology — Artificial intelligence (AI) — Use cases |
Parent | Standard |
IRI | |
Term | ISOIECTR24368-2022 |
Label | IEC TR 24368:2022 |
Definition | Information technology — Artificial intelligence — Overview of ethical and societal concerns |
Parent | Standard |
IRI | |
Term | ISOIECTR24372-2021 |
Label | IEC TR 24372:2021 |
Definition | Information technology — Artificial intelligence (AI) — Overview of computational approaches for AI systems |
Parent | Standard |
IRI | |
Term | ISOIECTS4213-2022 |
Label | IEC TS 4213:2022 |
Definition | Information technology — Artificial intelligence — Assessment of machine learning classification performance |
Parent | Standard |